This article "Legal and Ethical Aspects of Paramedic Practice" shall discuss one of these ethical issues. Paramedics delivering palliative and end-of-life care in community The views of families, carers and others, if appropriate, should be fully considered when taking decisions. The ethics in paramedicine has become a field of interest for many scientists and researchers. The article argues that the situation raised dilemmas about communication, patient autonomy and paternalism. Sign up to Journal of Paramedic Practices regular newsletters and keep up-to-date with the very latest clinical research and CPD we publish each month. EBOOK: Blaber's Foundations for Paramedic Practice: A Theoretical Perspective Amanda Blaber 2018-11-19 This bestselling undergraduate level book is an ideal resource for student paramedics looking for an excellent introduction to the main theoretical subjects studied in paramedic courses, and links practice issues to the all-important theory . (PDF) Law and Ethics for Paramedics: An Essential Guide Medical Ethics: Non-Maleficence - The Medic Portal Insufficient competence or lack of basic knowledge can lead to harmful effects and negative consequences of treatment. Other sections of the MHA can be utilised to remove a person from their property but require further input from other professionals ranging from magistrates to psychiatric doctors and approved mental health professionals (see appendix 2). A key assumption of the Mental Capacity Act (MCA, 2005), is that a person has capacity until proved otherwise. Such a situation is irresponsible and dangerous in terms of not only morality and ethics but also legislation. practice with medical specialists. / Carver, Hamish; Moritz, Dominique; Ebbs, Phillip. The priorities of the medical director C. The wishes of the general public D. Locally accepted protocols, During your monthly internal quality improvement (QI) meeting, you review several patient care reports . MA Healthcare Ltd Any consideration of beneficence is likely, therefore, to involve an examination of non-maleficence. The beneficence of paramedical practices includes not only the treatment and medicines but also relative education and information. In any case, the role of paramedics consists in the elimination of harmful aspects of patients ethical decisions as well as protection of their legal freedom and choice. Vulnerable patients are at an increased risk of harm or exploitation in healthcare. The Mental Health Act (1983) The MHA can be used to provide treatment for mental health disorders without consent (Department of Constitutional Affairs, 2007). Sample Essay on Law and Ethics in Paramedical Science Paramedics may be the first health professionals to encounter these vulnerable adults and be the link to not only ensuring they receive the clinical care required at the time but also to breaking the cycle of abuse through notifications or referrals to agencies and support services. This exploratory case study utilized semi-structured interviews of thirteen North. Children are considered vulnerable patients because until they reach the age of 16 (Mental Capacity Act 2005: section 2(5)), their parents have parental responsibility for decision-making. This third and final article in the series starts by describing the relationships between the legal principle of capacity and the ethical principles of autonomy and beneficence. Sign up to Journal of Paramedic Practices regular newsletters and keep up-to-date with the very latest clinical research and CPD we publish each month. The design of the PARAMEDIC-2 trial required paramedics to independently determine eligibility and randomise patients into the trial by administering the blinded drugs (either adrenaline or a saline placebo) from a trial-specific drug pack. Therefore, they suggest the introduction of ethical education for doctors and staff working in this sphere (Stirrat et al., 2010). The ethical and legal dilemmas paramedics face when managing a mental Paramedic: Legislation And And Guidance That Govern The - Edubirdie Paramedics must deliver appropriate clinical care within the boundaries of the law, clinical guidelines and evidence-based standards. A legal concept important in understanding the extent to which children have autonomy in making their own healthcare decisions is Gillick competence, named after a landmark UK case (Gillick v West Norfolk and Wisbech Area Health Authority [1985]). People with a disability may have carers who assist with decision-making and/or to protect their wishes, or who are entirely responsible for decision-making. While carers might have a duty to make decisions that benefit the patient and are least restrictive of the patient's rights, it can be difficult for clinicians to uphold and appropriately consider the patient's wishes when another person is responsible for their decision-making. In doing so, the article attempts to provide a clearer format of understanding of the laws and management of these situations, both for the benefit of future patients and the emergency services alike. Nurses are expected to practise in an ethical manner, through the demonstration of a range of ethical competencies articulated by registering bodies and the relevant codes of ethics (see Boxes 5.1 and 5.2).It is important that nurses develop a 'moral competence' so that they are able to contribute to discussion and implementation of issues concerning ethics and human rights . The COVID-19 pandemic and the paramedic response to it, has raised a raft of legal, ethical and professionalism questions for paramedic clinicians and managers. Although John appeared calm, and wasn't behaving at all aggressively at that time, the acute state of psychosis can be unpredictable, and pose serious risks (Hawley et al, 2011). Health care professionals may be more likely to use the MCA to enforce treatment should they consider the patient unlikely to meet the threshold for detention under the MHA. Non-maleficence states that a medical practitioner has a duty to do no harm or allow harm to be caused to a patient through neglect. Clinicians and families may become more involved in the decision-making process or take over that decision-making role in the vulnerable person's best interests. In such circumstances, clinicians have the added consideration of not only treating the patient but also ensuring the other vulnerable party is protected. Dominique Moritz, Phillip Ebbs, Hamish Carver John's speech was also disordered; he regularly halted sentences mid-flow and appeared confused, completely losing fluidity and continuity of his passages. Chapter 4 Medical, Legal and Ethical Issues Flashcards | Quizlet Ethics and law for the paramedic Reflective practice and communication Professional issues, including clinical audit and governance and anti-discriminatory practice Psychological perspectives on health and ill health Safeguarding children Sociological perspective on health and ill health and social policy Paramedics - Health and Care Professions Council Ethical Issues in Critical Care | Clinical Gate These preferences can then be communicated to paramedics during attendances and care should be consistent with these preferences whenever practicable. This can make the balance of patient care and patient autonomy exceedingly difficult to strike, and lead to a number of ethical and legal dilemmas for paramedics (Townsend and Luck, 2009). In the second article, potential conflicts between autonomy and beneficence in relation to end-of-life care were explored (Carver et al, 2020). Hamish Carver, Dominique Moritz, Phillip Ebbs, Research output: Contribution to journal Article peer-review. Furthermore, those with mental illness may at times experience treatment and management that limits their autonomy, such as during times of severe psychosis where a patient's autonomy is lawfully overridden in their best interests through the use of chemical or even physical restraint. Utilizing a priority dispatch system allows dispatchers to send response . The patient, who will be called John for confidentiality purposes, presented to the ambulance service with an altered mental state. care passports). Introduction. For example, a person presenting with suicidal thoughts may score higher on the JRCALC tool, and thus be at high risk of self injury, but at a lower risk of being involved in an accident, a risk which may be higher in a person suffering from psychosis. Commonly, these four principles help the paramedics make the optimal decisions and protect the interests of clients, acting both morally and legally. Have your partner contact the communications center to send law enforcement to the scene, as this is now a legal issue and the officer will make the decision. Like the abuse of children, the abuse of older people is a significant community concern. The provider must be always stalwart in the face of challenges to. The Bachelor of Paramedic Practice (Conversion) is a fully online program, designed to help currently practicing paramedics and advanced medics in the Australian Defence Force upgrade their existing qualifications. Summary. For example, some people with conditions such as cerebral palsy may appear to have an intellectual disability that precludes decision-making capacity, where in fact they have no cognitive disability, only communication difficulties. The question of justice is another part of the paramedical performance. Integrated health care including mental health. This can explain why paramedics also report feelings of confusion surrounding the MCA and a lack of confidence in utilising it (Amblum 2014). This principle refers to both physical and mental damage, which can be done to the clients. They must also deliver care that is consistent with ethical standards and respectful of the expectations, preferences and beliefs of the patient. title = "Ethics and law in paramedic practice: Boundaries of capacity and interests". With this considered, it appears that in John's case, the MCA would have been an appropriate means with which to act in John's best interests and convey him to a place of safety for further treatment, which would most likely have been the nearest emergency department. Because of older patients' vulnerability, a clinician's role in identifying and reporting elder abuse is crucial. Ethical considerations in prehospital ambulance based research Furthermore, capacity can fluctuate, so clinicians must favour capacity assessments made at each attendance over capacity assumptions because of vulnerability or previous dealings with the patient. 2 The HCPC standards of conduct, performance and ethics. This CPD module will focus on some of the key ethical issues in relation to paramedic practice and prehospital care. One of the most important legal principles in paramedicine is the preservation of patients personal information and data. 1 Ethics And Law For The Paramedic Copy - dev.endhomelessness There are particular ethical challenges when multiple vulnerable groups are involved, such as when a mental health patient is also a parent or is caring for an older person. EMS Chapter 3 Medical, Legal, and Ethical Issues Quiz In conclusion, ethical and legal principles are of great importance in paramedical practices. Preventing children from exercising their autonomy may cause ethical challenges (Box 1). In this case, both ethical and legal principles are important. They identify and direct the work of the paramedical practices as well as determine all possible ways of interacting and communicating with patients (Bledsoe et al., 2006). This is a part of and more. 2 Function, build and sustain collaborative, professional relationships as a member of a team within multidisciplinary teams and agencies It is particularly important for clinicians to assess patient capacity every time they attend a person rather than relying on past experiences that because the person lacked capacity owing to their mental illness during a previous attendance, they will somehow lack capacity on all future presentations. However, what should paramedics do when their intended, evidence based course of treatment is different from the patients own wishes? Paramedic ethics, capacity and the treatment of vulnerable patients Paramedic ethics, capacity and the treatment of vulnerable patients Dominique Moritz, Phillip Ebbs, Hamish Carver Wednesday, December 2, 2020 Vulnerable patients are at an increased risk of harm or exploitation in healthcare. Therefore, it is important to consider those principles more precisely. School of Nursing, Midwifery & Paramedic Practice Mental illness can be a challenging vulnerability for clinicians to navigate. To get things started, we give a rundown of the most recent research on ethical issues in sports medicine. Their vulnerability may impede their autonomy, which can then affect . From this standpoint, the paramedics have to follow the same regulations and standards that are mandatory for the whole country. They may need to consider whether community rapid response services or home GP visits are appropriate, whether additional support services should be organised or if they may need to ensure family members or friends visit the patient in a timely manner. Following the legal side of the treatment is a great step toward establishing qualitative and appropriate services. John had arrived at a friend's house during the night, behaving in a strange, confused manner. Cuts in public health and community services funding have decimated programs, leaving unmet health needs. On assessment, John didn't appear to understand the information given to him, the decision he needed to make, and he was unable to retain or comprehend treatment plans or the risks of noncompliance. T1 - Ethics and law in paramedic practice, T2 - Boundaries of capacity and interests. Separate to the MCA (2005), the Mental Health Act (1983) (MHA) may also be used to provide treatment without consent in case of a mental health disorder (Department of Constitutional Affairs, 2007). Practice in a manner consistent with a code of ethics for registered nurses. This article addresses these questions by exploring the relationship between healthcare ethics, health law and evidence-based practice in paramedicine. Paramedics' decisions on patients' treatment will often impact others. The ethical responsibilities of a paramedic also include acting fairly and helping any patient who needs it, regardless of their race, age, gender, religion or another personal characteristic.. Our researchers and research supervisors undertake their studies within a wide range of theoretical frameworks and models relating to the development of policy and practice that takes account of: lived experiences of health and social issues, health and social care use, and, service delivery by the nursing, midwifery and paramedic professions . U2 -, DO -, JO - Journal of Paramedic Practice: the clinical monthly for emergency care professionals, JF - Journal of Paramedic Practice: the clinical monthly for emergency care professionals. Alternatively, when a patient is deemed to lack capacity, paramedics can then act in a patient's best interests without their consent under the MCA; this can create an equally complex situation where paramedics attempt to ensure the patient receives the right care in the least restrictive manner possible (Townsend and Luck, 2009). In such a way, they will not violate personal freedom and demonstrate respect for patients demands and plans (Blaber, 2012). Among the main legal principles to be fulfilled in paramedicine, protection of personal data, regulation of drugs consumption, suitability of the medical equipment, and protection and safety of the patients should be considered (AAOS, Elling, & Elling, 2009). PDF Ethical Questions in Emergency Medical Services: Controversies and Clinicians have an important role in supporting vulnerable patients and upholding their autonomy. 1 Demonstrate an adaptive, flexible and self-directed commitment to the promotion, maintenance and restoration of health and to the delivery of primary health care across the lifespan. Consequently, the crew had to consider alternative management plans for John. Copyright 2023 For many, staying at home is an important consideration in their decisions; older people may only wish to receive care that can be delivered in their home. PARAMEDIC2 study: Ethical issues | Medicina Intensiva There are a numbers of texts in other areas, such as nursing and medicine, but not exclusively in relation to paramedics. The researchers have outlined four main ethical principles, which are important for consideration in paramedicine. Paramedics have professional duties toward vulnerable persons. Dive into the research topics of 'Ethics and law in paramedic practice: Boundaries of capacity and interests'. By midday, his ability to communicate was largely diminished and his friend, unable to help John, had phoned for emergency services. Legal | Journal Of Paramedic Practice Nevertheless, despite personal values and beliefs, paramedics should provide their patients with essential treatment, medicine, support, and instructions.
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