Olfaction in mosquito-host interactions. 2010;20:16728. Studies on Mosquito Repellent Activity of Cymbopogon Citratus (Lemon Another certain benefit of making lemongrass as an insect repellent is its The water must not reach the bottom of the strainer, fill it with lemongrass. B. The study by Sritabutra et al. You can also purchase lemongrass plants from a nursery or garden center if you dont want to grow your own at home. Tagetes minutaisa very important member of Tagetes genus belonging to Asteraceae family [75]. This study will be conducted for the benefit of the following: For the Future Researchers that this could serve as a guide for them in case they would Although the protection time of citronella oil is shorter than that of DEET. J Genetic. Thus, plants with potential repellency properties should be tested for their possible unpleasant side effects before introducing as alternative products. From the Weed Society of Pakistan (2019), it is stated that the Lupi E, Hatz C, Schlagenhauf P. The efficacy of repellents against Aedes, Anopheles, Culex and Ixodes spp. Steam Distillation Process with the exact apparatus to improve this study by adding PubMed The result of the present study would provide knowledge and information about lemon grass as insect repellent. Parasitol Res. Soonwera M. Efficacy of essential oil from Cananga odorata (Lamk.) Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health. Anopheles stephensi Liston. Repellent properties of celery, Apium graveolens L, compared with commercial repellents, against mosquitoes under laboratory and field conditions. the mosquitoes and 2 hours and 30 minutes upon repelling the ants. Insect repellents: principles, methods and uses. Effectiveness of citronella preparations in preventing mosquito bites: systematic review of controlled laboratory experimental studies. Sanghong R, Junkum A, Chaithong U, Jitpakdi A, Riyong D, Tuetun B, et al. Lemongrass Effectiveness in Repelling Mosquitoes [According to Research] In one of the many research studies titled - Formulation of an effective mosquito-repellent topical product from Lemongrass oil and published in a Phytomedicine . Citronella (50ml) & Lemon Grass (50ml) - 100ml Total . Prado JM, Leal PF, Meireles MAA, Eds. For the Students in Senior High School that this could help them understand the move away from the source of repellent and lemon grass can be used as a natural The results shown in the Table 2 is about the products safety. 2012;44:7989. KEEPS BUGS AWAY NATURALLY: Our proprietary blend of 16 essential oils, including cedar, mint, rosemary, and lemongrass, create the strong minty and herbaceous scent that helps keep bugs at bay for up to 4 HOURS while ensuring your sensitive skin is safe and healthy. Correspondence to 2015;114:453143. New Delhi: Springer; 2016. p. 19. Its extracted will help repel mosquitoes. constraint on development in poor regions can be the results if there are actions to PubMed Central Google Scholar. 2011;72:10914. dirus [43]. 2016;23:2322838. convenient to the fellow researchers. Parasitol Res. Consistently, clove at 10%, 50%, and 100% concentrations, with a dose-dependent trend, showed 1.33, 2.66, and 3.5h complete repellency against An. and for keeping them safe. Pol J Microbiol. Human Expand View via Publisher gambiae was identified. Google Scholar. Forgot to apply No-Bite-Me and got some bug bites? Prabhu K, Murugan K, Nareshkumar A, Ramasubramanian N, Bragadeeswaran S. Larvicidal and repellent potential of Moringa oleifera against malarial vector, Anopheles stephensi Liston (Insecta: Diptera: Culicidae). Deet free to protect even the smallest adventurers. Maheswaran R, Ignacimuthu S. Bioefficacy of essential oil from Polygonum hydropiper L. against mosquitoes, Anopheles stephensi and Culex quinquefasciatus. minimus for 0.5h [45]. If used against mosquito larvae, such insecticides . of geranial and neral and small amounts of geranoil and citronellal which are Swathi S, Murugananthan G, Ghosh S, Pradeep A. Larvicidal and repellent activities of ethanolic extract of Datura stramonium leaves against mosquitoes. Yeh R-Y, Shiu Y-L, Shei S-C, Cheng S-C, Huang S-Y, Lin J-C, et al. Chapter Karunamoorthi K, Mulelam A, Wassie F. Laboratory evaluation of traditional insect/mosquito repellent plants against Anopheles arabiensis, the predominant malaria vector in Ethiopia. Lemongrass contains high amounts of citral which prevents growth of harmful bacteria by inhibiting its metabolism process at different stages in its life cycle. gambiae is able to detect citronellal molecules by olfactory neurons in the antenna controlled by the TRPA1 gene, activated directly by the molecule with high potency [83, 84]. A literature review. Throw a tin in your backpack, or keep it handy when camping. Lemon grass is popularly used for medical, food and insect repellent products Chapter-1 Efficacy of Lemongrass Extract as Insect Repellent - Concentration of Lemongrass Extract - Studocu It may help your knowledge to grow through this information. [22] also supported that rosemary at 1, 2.5 and 5mg/cm2 concentrations completely repels An. gambiae [54]. they would bite exposed skin of a human if it was not applied with any insect repellent, during the process. Google Scholar. According to homeguides.safegate, lemongrass gas large amount since every materials we used were found at home, we only spent money for our AA performed collecting of articles and writing the manuscript. Amerasan D, Murugan K, Kovendan K, Kumar PM, Panneerselvam C, Subramaniam J, et al. Powered by natural essential oils, our premium formula is proven to kill and repel pests like mosquitoes and fleas. The effectiveness of lemon grass as natural insect repellent - SlideShare chemical substance was added. ), Anopheles minimus (Theobald) and Culex quinquefasciatus Say based on protection time and biting rate. Kovendan K, Murugan K, Kumar PM, Thiyagarajan P, William SJ. Lemon grass may help repel dengue mosquitoes. Lemongrass is considered to be a medicinal plant as well an ingredient in traditional Indian insect-repellent preparations (Parrotta 2001). 2012;15:76673. "LEPPERIC SPRAY" organic repellent made out of Lemongrass, Black Pepper J Vector Borne Dis. recommend the following: For the Future Researchers who would like to conduct the experiment that in repel 24 attempted ant bites. Tyagi B. The aim of the study was to determine the utilization of lemongrass extract as a insecticide by fogging. 2008;319:183842. The repellency effect of orange against different species of Anopheles was investigated in 4 studies. Youll want to make sure that you wash away any dirt or debris that may be left on your plant before placing it into your garden bed or potting soil so theres no chance of spreading disease or pests throughout your garden space during planting time. Lemongrass Research - Chapter I Introduction Background of The Study The following factors are discussed further with its relation to the [6], with complete protection time for 8h, had a good effectiveness in preventing against An. Below shows the procedure on making insect repellent out of lemongrass oil: Mix the essential oil, water and alcohol. (Family: Caesalpinaceae) against Culex quinquefasciatus, Aedes aegypti, and Anopheles stephensi. [] found that citronella obtained from lemongrass has a 100% repellency effect against Anopheles culicifacies for 11 h.Amer et al. A total of 62 studies conducted in different countries, including India [7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40], Thailand [4, 5, 41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48], Ethiopia [49,50,51,52], Kenya [53,54,55,56,57], Germany [6], Nigeria [1], USA [58], Tanzania [59], Brazil [60], Sudan [61], Iran [62], Cameron [63] and Ivory Coast [64] were eventually included in the systematic review based on the inclusion criteria for the effect of plant-based repellents on species of Anopheles mosquitoes. Below is a list of lemongrass as insect repellent: Lemongrass is a good insect repellent. lemon.docx - THE EFFECTIVENESS OF LEMON GRASS (cymbopogon immiscible with water, volatile in steam and having high vapor pressure at the All products are 100% handmade in the USA from organic locally sourced ingredients, and were completely cruelty-free. 2013;112:120519. Recently, commercial repellent products containing plant-based ingredients have gained increasing . Panneerselvam C, Murugan K. Adulticidal, repellent, and ovicidal properties of indigenous plant extracts against the malarial vector, Anopheles stephensi (Diptera: Culicidae). The process of using lemongrass as a pesticide is fairly simple. Lemongrass has been shown to have the insecticidal and insect-repellent ability towards several insects, including mosquitoes [14], houseflies [15], sand flies [16] and fruit flies (Drosophila . Google Scholar. No fuss. subpictus for 1, 1, and 1.5h, respectively. 2003;40:100. This number is significantly higher than the number of dead mosquitoes found in the control group, which was 10. Mosquito landing Just spray on and stay protected. 23352, Indonesia utilizing mosquito repellent plants, such as lemongrass. endobj %PDF-1.5 C. Making the Insect Repellent Amer A, Mehlhorn H. Repellency effect of forty-one essential oils against Aedes, Anopheles, and Culex mosquitoes. mosquitoes, and, (iii) reported the percentage of repellency or complete protection time. PubMed Traditional use of mosquito-repellent plants in western Kenya and their evaluation in semi-field experimental huts against Anopheles gambiae: ethnobotanical studies and application by thermal expulsion and direct burning. This number is also significantly higher than those killed by other types of insect repellents. As stated by organicfacts, some health benefits that lemongrass oil albimanus and found that all concentrations of clove provided complete repellency ranging from 1.25 to 3.55h, depending on the concentration applied. Privacy stephensi for 7.5h, had a good effectiveness in preventing Anopheles mosquitoes. If a consensus was reached, a study was excluded or selected to full-text screening. A total of 5 studies examined the repellency effect of different sub-species of eucalyptus. Sprinkle small clippings of lemongrass around the outside of your home, or along the baseboards. In recent years, interest in plant-based repellents has been revived, as they contain a rich source of bioactive phytochemicals that are safe and biodegradable into non-toxic by-products, which could be screened for insecticidal activities and mosquito repellent. <> [44] found that hairy basil oil provides 100% protection against An. Chemical composition and mosquito repellency of essential oil of Conyza newii propagated in different geographical locations of Kenya. Thymus species have been reported to possess various beneficial effects, such as antiseptic, carminative, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties [70]. reduce mosquito landing around 40%. 2014;21:21929. The plant, indigenous to Europe, is now widespread in cultivation worldwide [66]. Trop Med Int Health. Lara M, Gutierrez J, Timon M, Andrs A. By Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. alcohol (Aegis Pest Services, LTC., 2018). The repellency effect of citronella was investigated in several studies. Asian Pac J Trop Med. The Repellent activities of the essential oils of four Sudanese accessions of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) against Anopheles mosquito. If a consensus was not reached, another reviewer was consulted to resolve any feasible discrepancies. 2012;111:224151. All data generated or analysed during this study are included in this published article. This review aimed to examine the effectiveness of citronella oil as mosquito repellent in comparisons with other repellents and/or placebo. Almehmadi RM. By using this website, you agree to our dirus for 6h. In contrast, in the study by Seyoum et al. Other creams make you choose between repelling bugs and treating uncomfortable bug bites, but No-Bite-Me prevents and repairs bug-bombed skin. Lemongrass As Insect Repellent - Pest Phobia 2013;19:17989. The flow diagram of the study selection process and excluded studies with specific reasons is reported in Fig. is any chemical or natural product that causes insects or other arthropods to avoid or In 2 studies, repellency effectiveness of tagetes was explored. The results of this study showed that some plants essential oils and extracts have significant repellent activity against Anopheles spp. x=]R@2C&n-M4f+s=D&Lo7M[6o6mO_-mO?~w ,*H2NgQpaWW_8~FM]#4xBZ@Ekp udqc!2+ck{ED6dl-'_u7"`0Z <> With that, the researchers gained minimus for 0.83h. Similarly, Sritabutra et al. 1989;34:7796. All eligible studies on the repellency effects of plants against Anopheles mosquitoes published up to July 2018 were systematically searched through PubMed/Medline, Scopus and Google scholar databases. citronella oil, which is used in soaps, as a mosquito repellent in insects sprays over 50 years as an insect repellent. Lemongrass can be used as a pest control method for your garden or backyard. 2003;88:25360. [42] used basil essential oil at 0.02, 0.10, and 0.21mg/cm2 concentrations against An. Accordingly, the idea of using natural mosquito repellent products as an alternative to develop new eco-friendly repellents could be an amicable solution to scale back the undesirable effects on environment and human health. The 20% oil solution of myrtle in the study conducted by Amer et al. Is lemongrass oil as an insect repellent; California Privacy Statement, Using lemongrass as insect repellent provides They are bright green on top and pale yellow beneath, with veins running down each side of the leaf blade. However, studies have focused more on the search for active compounds than on optimal formulations [8, 29]. Rajkumar S, Jebanesan A. Repellent activity of selected plant essential oils against the malarial fever mosquito Anopheles stephensi. depressant, at the same time antibacterial. Google Scholar. Article It contains limonene as an insect repellent. Extracting the lemongrass oil will be done through Steam Distillation The 20% Neem oil in a field trial conducted by Amer et al. Related Studies Insecticides & Repellents Use these natural insecticides to repel and eliminate harmful pests. THE EFFECTIVENESS OF LEMON GRASS ( Cymbopogon Citratus) AS N by - Prezi 2008;7:152. In our data, the repellent is safe since it didnt cause itchiness and does not Insecticidal Properties of Lemongrass that it repelled mosquito landing attempts and ant-bites attempts. Citronella is an essential oil extracted from the stems and leaves of different species of lemongrass (Cymbopogon spp.) For the Society that this could give them knowledge about the importance of Insect repellents may have different characteristics but serve the same purpose Although citronella oil has demonstrated repellent effect against mosquito bites in some studies (Dover 1930; Jantan & Zali 1998), the evidence is insufficient to draw a definite conclusion. 2005;42:95. the related studies. killing them. The 20% oil solution of catnip in the study carried out by Amer et al. Parasitol Res. Naine SJ, Devi S. Larvicidal and repellent properties of Streptomyces sp. prevent arthropod borne diseases. the list of EPA-GRAS, or what the Environmental Protection Agency considers Cite this article. lots benefits such as health benefits and financial benefit which is its affordability. Herbal insecticides, repellents and biomedicines: effectiveness and commercialization. lemongrass as an insect repellent and to raise awareness on how to prevent insect- Parasitol Res. Indian Forester. insect repellent. statement and Chemical composition, toxicity and mosquito repellency of Ocimum selloi oil. 2016;115:99106. [44] also reported that citronella could repel Anopheles stephensi and Anopheles dirus for 8 and 6h, respectively. Barnard DR. Repellency of essential oils to mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae). water over foliage (Cruz, 2004). Manage cookies/Do not sell my data we use in the preference centre. attempts bottle. Parasitol Res. PubMed Lemongrass | Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Grognet J. Catnip: its uses and effects, past and present. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. Lemongrass is an excellent tool for keeping pests at bay. These specific insects were chosen for they have this characteristic in which Finally, current studies are difficult to be compared and the repellency effectiveness may also differ among subspecies. DEET-FREE & VERSATILE. 2012;4:257. Amer et al. Drosophila TRPA1 channel is required to avoid the naturally occurring insect repellent citronellal. 2008;87:215. Methods: Multiple computerized databases such as MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane CENTRAL, CINAHL, and AMED, were searched for controlled laboratory experiments that compared the effectiveness of citronella products to control in repelling Aedes, Anopheles and Culex mosquitoes using the . Curr Biol. stephensi, respectively. minimus [45] for 1h. A high level of insecticide resistance has made because of the chemical control of the pests and vectors. CAS cover, and a stainless or steel glass receiving vessel that is shown in Figure 1. Rawani A, Banerjee A, Chandra G. Mosquito larvicidal and biting deterrency activity of bud of Polianthes tuberosa plants extract against Anopheles stephensi and Culex quinquefasciatus. related studies about lemongrass as insect repellent Gramineae). Attempts Frequency Percent Hence, major Characterization and evaluation of repellent effect of essential oil of Mangifera indica L. from Kenya. Comparison of manufacturing cost of thyme extract obtained by supercritical fluid extraction and steam distillation. Singh S, Raghavendra K, Dash A. Moreover, when it comes to ants, the product can 100% The heterogeneity in the results of the previous studies might be stem from differences in compound concentrations, application dosages, mosquito species, formulations and the assessment method of repellency, as in some trials the protection time until mosquitoes landed was recorded, whereas in the majority of studies the time until mosquitoes bite was considered. The search was limited to English publications. MK collaborated in the study conception and the collection and translation of articles. ), Anopheles dirus (Peyton and Harrison) and Culex quinquefasciatus (Say). Accessed 28 Mar 2016. Neem isa versatile tree broadly grown in tropical areas of India [76]. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated in a credit line to the data. Repellency effects of essential oils of Myrtle (Myrtus communis), Marigold (Calendula officinalis) compared with DEET against Anopheles stephensi on human volunteers. Asian Pac J Trop Med. Asian Pac J Trop Med. The leaves are long and narrow, with pointed tips and serrated edges. interest in utilizing the plant as the main ingredient in the product due to its. Olive (O. europaea)isone of the most ancient cultivated fruit tree species in the Mediterranean basin which isa source of several phenolic compounds with important properties [71]. Cookies policy. Process as most of the essential oils are extracted using the method. [4]. Int J Pharm Phytochem Res. https://vtechworks.lib.vt.edu/handle/10919/71810. based) repellents like lemon grass because it is very easy to make and use. trigger any allergies to the skin of the human subject. Krishnappa K, Elumalai K, Dhanasekaran S, Gokulakrishnan J. Larvicidal and repellent properties of Adansonia digitata against medically important human malarial vector mosquito Anopheles stephensi (Diptera: Culicidae). In: Foundation Ciba, editor. No problem: its an anti-itch cream too. J Essent Oil Bearing Plants. In addition to being a plant-based mosquito repeller, this spray will kill and repel hundreds of common pests, such as gnats, ticks, fleas, no-see-ums, spiders, and other biting flies. Most commercial repellents are produced by using chemical components such as N, N-diethyl-meta-toluamide (DEET), Allethrin, N, N-diethyl mendelic acid amide, and Dimethyl phthalate [1]. First, a poorly inspected confounding aspect is the effect of sweating on the effectiveness and protection time of repellents, which are approximately all water-soluble, and this might limits the comparability of repellents. of lemongrass oil. stephensi mosquitoes. Gentle and safe for people of all ages, including kids, babies, and seniors, yet powerful enough to repel flying pests and keep bug bites off the skin. Cosmetics, soaps, perfumes, dye and odorizes The research subjects to be observed and experimented were the mosquitoes Article Advances in vector mosquito control technologies, with particular reference to herbal products. In the study, the essential oil was applied to the skin of test subjects, and the number of mosquito bites received was significantly reduced compared to a control group. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Ansari M, Vasudevan P, Tandon M, Razdan R. Larvicidal and mosquito repellent action of peppermint (Mentha piperita) oil. Thymeisone of nine species belonging to T. serpyllum, aperennialaromaticplantoftheMediterranean flora [69]. and ants. 2001;26:7682. It should be noted that pure lemongrass oil can be hazardous to human In the laboratory trial by Amer et al. [6], has a percentage repellency of 79.7 against Anopheles arabiensis. Peppermintisa hybridmintfrom cross-breeding spearmint (Mentha spicata) and water mint (Mentha aquatica), which contains biologically active constituents and has high menthone, menthol and methyl esters. 2009;9:26458. Insect odorant receptors are molecular targets of the insect repellent. uncommonness in being utilized in the creation of alternative products, in this case, an 2014;13:209. 2010;3:6915. Essential oils and extracts of some plants could be formulated for the development of eco-friendly repellents against Anopheles species. Lemongrass can be used in various ways to repel insects such as: Make a spray with 1 cup water and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice then add 10 drops of pure lemon essential oil (optional) and shake well before spraying on skin or clothing, Add several drops of pure essential oil into the water when washing clothes etc. Videos for related products. alternative insect repellent can lessen health worries of people since natural insect Asian Pac J Trop Biomed. Studies have shown that different insect repellents use a similar mode-of-action. Plant-based repellents have been used for generations in traditional practice as a personal protection measure against host-seeking mosquitoes. This compound is found in citrus fruits and works to repel many insects. There was a significant difference in the use of lemongrass extract as a substitute for malathion with the mortality rate of Aedes aegpty mosquito (p-value < 0,001) 95% CI (15.69-18.31 . A number of repellent products contain chemical compound like DEET ( N , N- Nevertheless, Birkett et al. Phasomkusolsil S, Soonwera M. Insect repellent activity of medicinal plant oils against Aedes aegypti (Linn. thehealthvermont, natural insect repellents are safer than DEET components of a Use more than one herb for best results. 2001;49:51721. The Table 3 showed the results of the experiment in terms of the affordability of Trav Med Infect Dis. In contrast, Seyoum et al. stephensi for 4.36h. Basilisan annual plant of the Ocimum genus, which belongs to the Lamiaceae family and is used in traditional medicine in many parts of the world [74]. As said by Citronella oil could provide sufficient protection time against mosquitoes. Trop Med Int Health. As with other topically applied essential oils, lemongrass has been found in some studies to act as a skin irritant (2). 2012;111:195364. 2015;46:596601. that can be used as an insect repellent. Bioresource Technol. Innocent E, Hassanali A. Lemongrass as the main ingredient for an 2014;2:707. 1995;120:53842. This paper . 2. Trongtokit Y, Curtis CF, Rongsriyam Y. Efficacy of repellent products against caged and free flying Anopheles stephensi mosquitoes. [] and Tawatsin et al. dirus. For the Parents/Guardians that this will serve as a guide for taking care of their children Mehdi Khoobdel or Alireza Zahraei-Ramazani. Parasitol Res. 1st ed. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health. 2011;1:1249. Soderlund DM, Bloomquist JR. Neurotoxic actions of pyrethroid insecticides. The researchers wanted to conduct a research about the Parasite. Mosquito larvicidal, pupicidal, adulticidal, and repellent activity of Artemisia nilagirica (Family: Compositae) against Anopheles stephensi and Aedes aegypti. Ed.). In: 9th International symposium on supercritical fluids, Arcachon, France; 2009. [6], with a mean percentage of repellency (71.4%) and complete protection time against An. This research focuses on the effectiveness of lemongrass oil as an alternative Asian Pac J Trop Med. The limonene. 2007;24:715. Lemongrass oil has been shown to be effective against mosquitoes, ants, ticks, fleas, and other pests. Fourth, some studies have shown that formulation play a significant role in the effectiveness of a repellents [88]. 2011;4:698705. In 2 studies, repellency effectiveness of myrtle was investigated. Madhiyazhagan P, Murugan K, Kumar AN, Nataraj T. Extraction of mosquitocidals from Ocimum canum leaves for the control of dengue and malarial vectors. Lemongrass is a plant that has been used as an insect repellent for centuries. Part of A safe, effective alternative to traditional bug repellent sprays, and a more versatile option than bracelets, lotions, candles and torches. ` VW*p)}u'_+WWnSfzUZXPP7XTG':Vv[>6eqc4D=1C0d[4l]N5Vj;IMR&:&.89DH/*I.+(3Z:RQX$x('mu6Ib Province. I. Another study found that citronellal directly activates channels of cation [83], which is similar to the excite-repellent impact of pyrethrin another plant based terpine [85], but contrasts with the inhibitory influence of DEET [86]. Alwala O, Wanzala W, Inyambukho R, Osundwa E, Ndiege I. Table1 summarizes the characteristics and main results of the eligible studies. Effectiveness of citronella preparations in preventing mosquito bites CAS PubMed 2003;10:1814. Google Scholar. Moreover, in this study, many investigated citations showed the effectiveness of plant repellents against Anopheles spp. One study from 2011 using multiple species of mosquito found that up to 95% of mosquitos from one species were repelled due to the oil's strong odor over a 2.5 hour period (2). POWERED BY NATURE, AS POWERFUL AS DEET. stephensi for 8h, while Eucalyptus globulus complete protection time was reported to be 5.5h. Auysawasdi et al. The plant also repels pests and attracts bees, which will pollinate your other plants. (Gerard J. Tortora), The Law on Obligations and Contracts (Hector S. De Leon; Hector M. Jr De Leon), Intermediate Accounting (Conrado Valix, Jose Peralta, Christian Aris Valix), Auditing and Assurance Services: an Applied Approach (Iris Stuart), Auditing and Assurance Concepts and Applications (Darell Joe O. Asuncion, Mark Alyson B. Ngina, Raymund Francis A. Escala), Principles of Managerial Finance (Lawrence J. Gitman; Chad J. Zutter), Rubin's Pathology (Raphael Rubin; David S. Strayer; Emanuel Rubin; Jay M. McDonald (M.D. Related studies about lemongrass as insect repellent. The Studies found that cats and dogs, although they can hear the waves, ultrasonic sound is inaudible to humans and household pets. published up to July 2018 were systematically searched through electronic databases PubMed, MEDLINE, Web of Science, Literature retrieval System of the Armed Forces Pest Management Board, Scopus and Google Scholar using the following Medical Subject Headings (Mesh) and keywords: (((Plant [Title/Abstract]) OR Plants [Title/Abstract]) OR herbal [Title/Abstract]) AND (botanical [Title/Abstract]) AND ((extract [Title/Abstract]) OR extracts [Title/Abstract]) AND ((essential oil [Title/Abstract]) OR essential oils [Title/Abstract]) AND (((((Insect repellent [Mesh]) OR repellents) OR repellent) OR repellence) OR repellency) AND ((Anopheles [Mesh]) OR Anopheles [Title/Abstract]).
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